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Belarus calls for equal access to IAEA’s Technical Cooperation Program resources

All the member states of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) should enjoy equal access to resources of the Agency’s Technical Cooperation Program. Belarusian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Belarus’ representative on the IAEA Board of Governors Valentin Rybakov made the statement during the latest session of the IAEA Board of Governors in Vienna, the press service of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs told BelTA.

In his speech on behalf of the states parties to the treaty on founding the Union State of Belarus and Russia Valentin Rybakov noted that it is by implementing the IAEA Technical Cooperation Program that the IAEA member states make their practical contribution to fulfilling Article IV of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The article obliges the parties to facilitate the development of peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Valentin Rybakov stressed that the member states need the IAEA’s services in the area of technical aid and cooperation, which represent a stable channel for sharing the best practices and knowledge.

Valentin Rybakov drew attention of those present to the fact that Belarus and Russia back the IAEA’s policy in favor of using technical cooperation as an instrument to tackle the concrete tasks relating to the accomplishment of the UN-approved Sustainable Development Goals. Valentin Rybakov stressed that all the IAEA member states should have equal access to the capabilities and resources the Technical Cooperation Program offers. Countries embarking upon the development of peaceful uses of nuclear energy are not an exception. In these matters the IAEA should practice an individualized approach to needs of the member states taking into account their real interest and readiness to launch and expand national projects and programs in the area of nuclear energy.

Building its first nuclear power plant, Belarus relies heavily on the IAEA’s Technical Cooperation Program in a bid to bolster the potential of the nuclear safety regulating agency and establishing a system to train personnel for the nuclear energy industry.

Medical projects and efforts to overcome consequences of the Chernobyl disaster traditionally occupy an important position in technical cooperation between Belarus and the IAEA.

Valentin Rybakov also spoke on behalf of Belarus about the fulfillment of IAEA guarantees in the member states. Belarus supports efforts of the Agency to control the fulfillment of non-proliferation commitments in accordance with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Belarus believes that the relevant work should rely on the effective international agreements the member states have signed with the International Atomic Energy Agency.