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Cooperation with Schneider Electric useful for making cutting-edge equipment in Russia

Atomproekt and Schneider Electric have signed an agreement on cooperation in designing nuclear energy installations. The document was signed during the international forum of nuclear industry suppliers Atomex 2015. On behalf of Atomproekt the document was signed by Director General Sergei Onufriyenko. On behalf of Schneider Electric the document was signed by the company’s president for Russia and the CIS Jean-Louis Stasi. The agreement provides for interaction in design efforts, the development of typical and unique engineering solutions for the nuclear energy industry in the sphere of controlling electricity supply systems, energy saving and automation. Apart from that, technical and information support will be provided. A program to exchange the best practices between Atomproekt and Schneider Electric will be carried out.

Sergei Onufriyenko, Atomproekt Director General:

Schneider Electric is a company that designs and makes components of the systems we use as part of our projects. We don’t buy any equipment directly from Schneider Electric although we use their products. The thing is many companies, including Russian ones, make equipment via licenses obtained from Schneider Electric. It is very important for us that the company has innovative products and tracks new developments in this area on the global scale.

For the sake of implementing the import substitution policy I believe that our cooperation from the point of view of encouraging our enterprises to use Schneider Electric’s experience to make cutting-edge equipment in Russia can be very useful.