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Expert: A fully operational 3+ generation nuclear reactor is a world-class achievement

The innovative 3+ generation power-generating unit VVER-1200 is the sixth power-generating unit of the Novovoronezh nuclear power plant. It has reached 100% of the designed output capacity. Rosenergoatom representatives said that the unit boasts top-notch safety parameters during operation and is fully compliant with the IAEA’s post-Fukushima requirements. It boasts a combination of active and passive safeguards that do not require human interaction. In particular, the unit’s design implements unique passive heat dissipation systems, hydrogen recombiners and a core catcher.

Ivan Andriyevsky, Chairman of the Board of 2K Engineering Company, told media that the fact that the new-generation reactor has reached the full output capacity is a world-class achievement. Nuclear power plant operators from all over the world closely watched the launch process. The reactor represents the first engineering solutions implemented after the Fukushima accident. Future development of the nuclear energy industry depends heavily on their performance. The successful launch of the new reactor at the Novovoronezh nuclear power plant and the reactor’s operation at full capacity allow talking about prospects of peaceful nuclear industry development with optimism.

VVER-1200 reactors will become an export product of the Russian nuclear industry corporation Rosatom. Projects featuring innovative Russian reactors are already in development and are supposed to be built in Bangladesh, Egypt, Finland, and Hungary. The successful operation of the new reactor at the Novovoronezh nuclear power plant will definitely increase the number of potential buyers of Rosatom products abroad.
Nuclear energy industry is one of the few areas where Russia is at the forefront of development. VVER-1200 reactors will make the leading position of the Russian nuclear energy industry even stronger.