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Rosatom uses best HR management practices


Rosatom State Corporation made it to the top three in 2015 Russia’s Best Employers rankings compiled by the recruitment company and published in conjunction with RBK-Daily.

Russia’s Best Employers is the most authoritative project in the country to evaluate the attractiveness of Russian companies for employees. This year’s edition was the sixth one.

The survey involved companies with more than 100 people and was carried out from 1 to 31 October 2015 using the methodology approved by VTsIOM. The project covered major Russian and foreign companies operating in Russia. The place in the ranking is based on the assessments of applicants, HR professionals and employees.

At least 40% of staff was polled in the companies with a staff from 100 to 500, and not less than 30% in larger companies.

According to Director of the Research Center for Industry and Society Igor Ryabov, in the current difficult economic situation it is important to celebrate the achievements of the companies that make an effort to create better conditions for workers. Some are fighting the crisis by reducing the personnel or cutting social benefits. The leaders in the rankings think about the future and try to retain their main asset - human resources. The top three are industry leaders. This is a reflection of the influence on the economy. The top three are Gazprom, VTB 24, one of the largest banks in Russia, and Rosatom State Corporation. Judging by the activities of these companies and their social impact, we see that everything is interconnected: the companies do well in HR management, create favorable working conditions, and implement important social projects. This accurately reflects their corporate standards.

I would like to highlight the third place of Rosatom because it is the largest industrial corporation which, by using its leading position in the global nuclear reactor construction market and in the nuclear waste processing market, invests heavily in the places of its presence. Wherever Rosatom is present, the place is a model to be replicated. If we look at the closed administrative-territorial units or science towns, for example, Obninsk, we see that they are creating the conditions conducive to work and comfortable for living. In doing so, Rosatom uses best HR management practices. This practice justifies itself not only in the nuclear industry. As an example I can cite the medical clinic of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company in the Urals which uses the corporate governance standards.

The top three companies in the ranking employ a great number of people. For instance, Rosatom has 262,000 employees working in different parts of the world, which makes it a kind of a personnel empire. Rosatom has a well-developed in-house training system, which means that the company’s policy is not only to preserve its human capital assets, but also to build them up through training and dissemination of corporate standards. It is worth noting that Rosatom uses not some abstract team-building model borrowed from the West, but a home-produced one adjusted to the Russian environment. The thing is that most of the cities where the company is present are located deep inside Russia where Western standards are inapplicable.

Rosatom’s corporate culture is structured in such a way that it involves not only the company’s employees, but also their families and the cities of presence with their entire social sector. It took the company 15 years to shape this system. So its place in the top three is quite an expected result that demonstrates Rosatom’s great social impact.