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Atom Day family event held in Minsk

Photo courtesy of Minsk Atomic Energy Information Center

MINSK, 19 December (BelTA) – The Minsk Atomic Energy Information Center hosted a family holiday - the Atom Day scientific Christmas party on 17 December. The event already became traditional and this time gathered more than 100 guests, BelTA learned from the Communications Department of Rosatom State Corporation.

The program of the scientific Christmas party included fascinating workshops and scientific experiments, interesting interactive games and informative quizzes. Visitors got acquainted with the principles of electricity production, saw a real fantastic performance - a scientific cryo-show, which was held by students of the Physics Department of Belarusian State University. Young physicists told the audience about the possibilities of using the atom in everyday life, the potential of atomic technologies in various fields, and also answered all the questions.

The workshop "Delicious Molecule" helped kids and teenagers to learn about the molecules of simple substances such as salt, methane, oxygen, etc. One of the draws of the event was the thematic family quiz BrainShaker. The knowledge gained could be immediately applied to win quizzes and competitions and receive prizes.

At the Atomic Energy Information Center young visitors and their parents got familiar with various areas of nuclear technology development, and took a walk in virtual reality goggles around a nuclear power plant. The guests also played Da Vinci engineering games, listened to ‘atomic' tracks and made a New Year slime in Rosatom's science laboratory.

Rosatom implements projects in over 80 different areas: energy, medicine, electric transport, production of new types of materials, quantum technologies and even space exploration. Director of OOO Rusatom Bel (Rosatom's country office in Belarus) Stanislav Levitsky said that the organizers of the event wanted to tell the kids in a simple and accessible way about the benefits of nuclear technologies in human life and to give them a charge of positive energy two weeks ahead of the New Year.

Along with the children, experts and journalists also recharged themselves with positive emotions and learned more about the nuclear industry, engineering, and science. They had a chance to chat with like-minded people and got presents from Energy-Claus. During the Atom Day scientific Christmas party the guests left a message in the ‘mail of the future', which they will receive a year later.

Atom Day was organized by Rosatom State Corporation and the Minsk Atomic Energy Information Center.
