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Belarus advances cooperation with Rosatom in non-energy fields


MINSK, 7 March (BelTA) – Representatives of the State Committee on Science and Technology, the Economy Ministry, and the Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus (DBRB) have visited organizations of the Russian state nuclear industry corporation Rosatom in Moscow. Promising avenues of cooperation in non-energy fields were discussed during the visit, the press service of the State Committee on Science and Technology and Rosatom's Communications Department told BelTA.

The sides talked over promising avenues of cooperation and looked into possible realization of joint programs and projects. The visit provides for working meetings and familiarization with projects in the spheres of development of electric transport and energy accumulators, nuclear medicine, composite materials, application of additive technologies in manufacturing, ecology, and digitization.

Chairman of the State Committee on Science and Technology Sergei Shlychkov said: “We've come here in order to start cooperation with Rosatom on non-energy projects. We are convinced that contact points will be found and we will be able to get back to discussing concrete proposals. We've been made familiar with those Rosatom enterprises, which could become Belarus' partners for organizing joint activities. All the necessary organizational and legal instruments have already been created.”

Nuclear medicine and electric transport

Realization of joint projects in the field of nuclear medicine is a promising avenue of Belarus-Russia cooperation. The delegation was particularly interested in the gamma therapy complex Brachium. Plans are in place to ship such complexes to Belarus among other places for treating cancer patients. Representatives of Rusatom Healthcare demonstrated a radiation therapy complex based on a linear particle accelerator. It is used for treating about 90% of cancer types by focusing radiation on tumors in patients.

The sides also discussed R&D advances in the sphere of energy accumulation systems for the sake of satisfying manufacturing and technological needs and increasing the number of electric vehicles. The delegation visited a Moscow-based manufacturing site of OOO Renera where batch production of stationary energy accumulation systems and traction batteries is organized. The batteries are already sold to one of Belarus' leading manufacturers of public transport electric vehicles – BKM Holding.

Additive technologies and digitization

Another promising avenue of cooperation is the application of additive technologies in manufacturing. Applications range from creating parts for various products to making big deliveries of equipment. During a trip to the center for additive technologies, which had been set up by the industry integrator Rusatom – Additive Technologies (part of Rosatom's TVEL Fuel Company), participants of the meeting saw 3D printing capabilities and 3D printing applications for various branches of the production sector. The sides agreed to consider the possibility of setting up a joint manufacturing enterprise. During a trip to AO TVEL the Belarusian delegation was informed about the telecommunications equipment T-Com Company makes for critical infrastructure and about plans to demonstrate the products at the Belarusian telecommunications forum TIBO.

The Belarusian delegation was also made familiar with Rosatom's competences in the area of digitization of urban administration, urban environment, public utilities, and transport infrastructure. Transport digitization solutions were presented such as the management of parking space, an automated road traffic control system, a smart transport system, smart public transport stops, and smart pedestrian crossings. Digital solutions for the utilities industry were discussed. They are designed to achieve economic effectiveness, improve quality and reliability of resource provision.

Rosatom's companies Tsifrum and OOO Rusatom Digital Solutions presented digital products, which are successfully used in high-tech branches of the production sector. A digital system Navigator for managing the nuclear industry was presented. It was created with assistance of artificial intelligence technologies and represents an effective tool for making faster and better managerial decisions.

Atomstroyexport Company shared its digital solutions for design, control, and exploitation of complicated engineering installations.

Ecology and research reactor

Representatives of the Federal Ecological Operator talked about the realization of ecological projects and presented a system for safe handling of first-class and second-class waste. It allows developing closed-loop technologies and recycling industrial waste. Participants of the meeting learned about the projects Rosatom is implementing to liquidate the largest objects of accumulated environmental damage.

A presentation of a multipurpose research reactor based on fast neutrons took place. It is being created within the framework of a federal project of the complex program “Development of equipment, technologies, and scientific research in atomic energy uses in the Russian Federation in the period till 2024”. The reactor is supposed to become the world's most powerful research reactor. The Belarusian side was invited to consider various formats of participation in the international consortium that is building the reactor for the sake of joint research.

Kirill Komarov, Rosatom First Deputy Director General for Corporate Development and International Business, said: “Rosatom successfully cooperates with Belarus in energy industry. We are ready to expand the area of interaction and can offer our partners high-tech solutions in non-energy fields. Rosatom is open to the realization of joint projects, which key purpose is to improve the quality of people's lives.”

The sides agreed to continue working contacts, including in the shape of working groups on various promising projects.
