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Belarus’ experience in radiation safety presented at IAEA conference

Belarus' best practices in radiation safety and its application in the nuclear power sector were presented at the international ministerial conference on nuclear science and technology at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna, BelTA learned from the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry (Gosatomnadzor).

Belarus’ report was presented by Head of Gosatomnadzor Olga Lugovskaya. She noted that the radiation safety infrastructure was affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, its consequences and the efforts to mitigate them. The country developed systems of radiation monitoring, control of radioactive contamination of foodstuffs, management of the affected territories, monitoring the health status and treatment of the affected population, scientific support, social security, and production of radiological equipment. The country also worked on the application of ionizing radiation sources in healthcare, industry and other sectors, continued fundamental and applied research, including in nuclear power.

Today the gained experience is used to develop nuclear and radiation safety infrastructure.

“The approaches and solutions used in Belarus to develop the nuclear and radiation safety infrastructure and its components become increasingly in demand and represent a big interest to other states, as well as international organizations, including the IAEA,” Gosatomnadzor noted.