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Belarus hails Vienna deal on Iran’s nuclear program

The agreement reached in Vienna by six international mediators and Iran on Iran’s nuclear program is welcome news, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The statement released by the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reads: “The achievement of a compromise on the matter enhances international security without hindering Iran’s right to developing peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The agreement is a vivid testimony to the possibility of resolving even the most complicated international crises via political and diplomatic means.”

The Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs hopes that the sides will be able to overcome possible domestic political interference that stands in the way of implementation of the decision and will not allow disruptions caused by default on mutual commitments.

The source stressed that the final reconciliation of the differences of opinion over Iran’s nuclear program and the lifting of sanctions from Iran will contribute to the enhancement of trust, the non-proliferation regime as well as to peace and stability in and outside the region.