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Belarus named EAEU's leader in GDP energy intensity

Vitaly Kretsky

MINSK, 27 April (BelTA) – Belarus occupies a leading position among countries of the Eurasian Economic Union in terms of energy intensity of the gross domestic product. Vitaly Kretsky, Deputy Chairman of the State Standardization Committee of Belarus, Director of the Energy Effectiveness Department, mentioned it during the press conference held in BelTA's press center to discuss the creation of mechanisms of Belarusian-Russian cooperation for the sake of enhancing the potential for energy effectiveness and resource saving.

For 30 years the Belarusian government has been pursuing a consistent policy in the area of energy saving. Principles of frugality of fuel and energy resources have become crucial for all branches of the national economy. “We've managed to secure tangible results over the years. In comparison with 1993 Belarus' GDP energy intensity has dropped by 4.7 times. Meanwhile, the world's GDP energy intensity dropped by only 1.5 times on the average in this period. Today we occupy leading positions not only among former USSR countries but also among our partners in the Eurasian Economic Union. Such results have become possible only thanks to productive work of the real sector of our economy, of our enterprises and organizations,” Vitaly Kretsky said.

In his words, a number of manufacturing sector organizations have reduced the consumption of energy resources by two times in comparison with 2000 while their output increased by dozens of times. “The example of Bobruisk Plant of Tractor Parts and Units (BZTDiA) is a bright result of more than 20 years of work to create high energy effectiveness demonstration zones. The enterprise's annual consumption of fuel and energy resources has been more than halved while the merchandise output has increased by tens of times,” the official noted.

Vitaly Kretsky said that the contest Energy Effectiveness Leader has been held in Belarus since 2015. The contest allows enterprises to demonstrate their achievements in reducing manufacturing costs, circulate their experience, and share the best practices with other participants, he stressed.

Applications for participation in the 9th national contest in the sphere of energy effectiveness, resource saving, and environmental friendliness Belarus Energy Effectiveness Leader 2023 can be submitted from 1 May through 30 September. The contest has been organized for the enterprises that make a significant contribution to the development of their region and have a potential for leadership in the sphere of energy and resource saving.

The contest is subdivided into several groups and nominations Enterprise of the Year, Product of the Year, and Project of the Year. The contest is designed to identify and popularize effective practices in the sphere of energy and resource saving, promote energy and resource-effective environmentally friendly technologies, solutions, and equipment on the Belarusian market and foreign ones. The award ceremony is traditionally scheduled for World Energy Saving Day – 11 November.
