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Belarus' national pavilion on China's online platform Douyin up to 500,000 subscribers

Photo courtesy of the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone

MINSK, 17 October (BelTA) – The number of subscribers to Belarus' national pavilion on the Chinese online platform Douyin reached half a million on 17 October 2022, representatives of the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone told BelTA.

SZAO Industrial Park Development Company is the operator of the project. The pavilion is a significant platform for promoting Belarus in China and is one of the most popular public pages about Belarus in foreign social media.

Photo courtesy of the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone

Short videos about Belarus are uploaded to the platform. Chinese viewers are introduced to Belarus' cultural peculiarities, history, and places of interest in an informal manner. The mentality, traditions, and everyday life of Belarusians are also highlighted. As many as 137 videos have been made and uploaded since May 2022. Belarusian and Chinese university students in China and Belarus as well as prominent bloggers appear as presenters in these videos.

Apart from that, the platform allows buying Belarusian goods.
