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Belarus resumes gasoline deliveries to Russia

Belarusian Oil Company (BOC) has resumed the delivery of gasoline to Russia, representatives of the company told BelTA.

“March 2015 was quite a complicated month considering prices for gasoline. Yet gasoline is now delivered to Russia in accordance with the previously signed agreements with the Russian Energy Ministry,” noted representatives of Belarusian Oil Company.

According to Vitaly Pavlov, Deputy Chairman of the Belarusian petrochemical concern Belneftekhim, Belarusian Oil Company supplied 25,500 tonnes of gasoline to Russia in April. He stressed that the Belarusian side is interested in working in accordance with the established rules and enjoying complete mutual understanding with Russian partners.

BelTA earlier quoted Belneftekhim head Igor Lyashenko as saying that in January-February Belarus fully honored its commitments with regard to the delivery of petroleum products to Russia. “In March when the economic situation of the shipments changed, we used the amendment to the agreement that allows suspending deliveries if profits of the Belarusian side are reduced until consultations are held and some additional measures are worked out,” specified the Belneftekhim head. Igor Lyashenko pointed out that no deliveries were made in March but the deliveries would be resumed once they were economically profitable.

In January-February 2015 Belarus supplied 140,000 tonnes of gasoline to Russia.

Mass media quoted Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak as saying that if the delivery of Belarusian gasoline to Russia falls behind the schedule by more than 10%, Russia can reduce oil delivery in accordance with the 1:5 ratio. “Once gasoline delivery is resumed, we will resume oil delivery. All the calculations have to be documented. The risk of conflict situations is minimized. As long as the modernization of our oil refineries is not completed, we count on deliveries from Belarus,” stated the Russian Energy Minister.

In accordance with the indicative plans for the delivery of fuel and energy resources in 2015 Belarus is expected to get 23 million tonnes of oil, including 22 million tonnes via pipelines. Belarus is expected to supply 1.8 million tonnes of gasoline to Russia.