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Belarusian Promsvyaz, Rosatom to cooperate in making telecommunication equipment

Photo courtesy of Rosatom

MINSK, 19 October (BelTA) – The Belarusian company OAO Promsvyaz, Rosatom's country office in Belarus OOO Rusatom Bel, and OOO T-COM (part of Rosatom's TVEL Fuel Company) have signed a roadmap within the framework of the strategic cooperation agreement, BelTA has learned. The document was signed on the sidelines of the 27th Belarusian energy and ecology forum Energy Expo.

In accordance with the roadmap the parties will work together to manufacture and ship telecommunication equipment. Promsvyaz Director Ivan Martinovich said: “It is a significant event for the enterprise. It is a plan of long-term cooperation, which will include market studies, the development of a competitive product, and the organization of manufacturing. Our main goal is import substitution. I think creating a joint import-substituting competitive product is a big and important step for our enterprise. The equipment we are going to make will include switches and routers. In other words, everything the national telecommunication company Beltelecom, mobile carriers, organizations, and enterprises will be interested in.”

Director of Rosatom's country office in Belarus Stanislav Levitsky stressed that appropriate equipment is needed in order to keep up with the times, stay at the forefront of technology, and forge ahead from the point of view of development of digital infrastructure. “By pooling efforts, we will be able to recoup our investments and create something new,” he stressed.

In his words, the products are supposed to sell not only in Belarus but also third countries. “The matter of information infrastructure of the Russian Federation and Belarus is also quite important. Nowadays information security, protection of communication channels represent a very important and very acute issue. Our products, which will be certified by Russian and Belarusian agencies responsible for information security, will allow minimizing risks in this sphere,” Stanislav Levitsky pointed out.

“We will design the products together. As for the technical side, Promsvyaz capabilities will be used to organize manufacturing,” Ivan Martinovich clarified.

It is not the first document on cooperation with Belarus that Rosatom has signed on the sidelines of the forum. On 17 October the Belarusian Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Ministry and Rosatom signed a memorandum of understanding. An agreement on cooperation between the enterprise RUP Belarusian Radioactive Waste Management Organization and AO TVEL Fuel Company is of particular importance. Belarusian National Technical University and the Engineering and Technology Center GET (part of Rosatom's Rusatom Service division) signed an agreement on strategic R&D cooperation in the area of realization of joint projects. ZAO International Business Alliance (IBA), OOO Rusatom Digital Solutions, and Rosatom's country office in Belarus OOO Rusatom Bel signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of realization of joint projects. Thus, Rosatom's cooperation with Belarus continues expanding. Interaction is not limited to nuclear energy industry and will continue advancing across a broad spectrum after the commissioning of the Belarusian nuclear power plant.

The Belarusian energy and ecology forum Energy Expo is one of the largest specialized exhibition events. It is organized every year with a view to developing the innovation potential of the fuel and energy complex. The forum brings together industry-specific organizations and leading producers of equipment and technologies for power engineering industry and allied trades. This year they traditionally present innovative projects and cutting-edge solutions for electric energy industry, gas industry, energy- and resource-saving technologies, digital development, and ecology.
