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Energy Ministry outlines advantages of Belarusian nuclear power plant


MINSK, 8 September (BelTA) – Belarusian Deputy Energy Minister Mikhail Mikhadyuk has explained what benefits Belarus gets by commissioning a nuclear power plant of its own. The benefits were outlined during public hearings held on 8 September before granting the license to operate the second unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant, BelTA has learned.

Mikhail Mikhadyuk said: “The commissioning of the Belarusian nuclear power plant will increase the level of energy security by means of diversifying fuel and energy resources and reducing the share of natural gas in the fuel and energy budget. Natural gas consumption will drop by 4.5-5 billion m3 per annum. The amount of foreign currency spent on energy resources will be reduced by $550 million per annum. The commissioning of the Belarusian nuclear power plant will also allow reducing greenhouse gas emissions by over 7 million tonnes per annum, which is particularly important amid the climate change.”

The official remarked that advantages of peaceful uses of nuclear technologies are already producing an effect. Since the first unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant was connected to the power grid (3 November 2020), it has generated over 17.6 billion kWh of electricity. “We connected the second unit to the system on 13 May as part of startup and commissioning operations. So far it has generated 1.1 billion kWh of electricity. The Belarusian nuclear power plant has already generated a total of nearly 19 billion kWh, which allowed the country to substitute about 5 billion m3 of imported natural gas,” the deputy energy minister remarked.

Apart from that, the commissioning of the Belarusian nuclear power plant will allow decommissioning a number of outdated and no longer economically effective power-generating units at power plants across Belarus and will considerably increase the export potential of Belarus' power grid. “We have stopped importing electricity completely. We cannot export in current conditions but it is only temporary,” Mikhail Mikhadyuk stressed.

The development of the regions is another important effect. Apart from that, the Belarusian nuclear power plant has created new opportunities for the Belarusian economy to promote electric vehicles. At present there are over 700 electric vehicle recharging stations all over the country and the number of electric vehicles is on the rise. Apart from that, the development of the nuclear energy industry plays a role in improving the population's living standards – transition to electricity for heating and hot water supply. There are plans to build new all-electric houses and switch the existing housing stock to electricity for heating and hot water supply.

Another important area is attracting new cutting-edge technologies into the country and creating new energy-intensive manufacturing facilities, transition from natural gas to electricity, creation of innovative applications in science and education. The Belarusian nuclear power plant will facilitate all of that.
