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Energy sources relying on local fuel, energy resources help Belarus' regions develop

Vitaly Kretsky. An archive photo

MINSK, 19 April (BelTA) – The realization of projects to build energy sources relying on locally available fuel and energy resources allows the regions to reach a trajectory of sustainable self-development thanks to a combination of cutting-edge technologies and effective usage of local energy resources, BelTA learned from Deputy Chairman of the State Standardization Committee of Belarus, Director of the Energy Effectiveness Department Vitaly Kretsky during the conference held to review 30 years of effort to create an energy-effective country.

Vitaly Kretsky said: “The construction of new modern fully automated boiler houses powered by locally available fuel and energy resources has a complex effect and helps not only reduce the consumption of imported natural gas and reduce the prime cost of heat energy generation but also allows creating additional jobs in the boiler house itself and in the enterprises of the region that take care of procurement, production, and transportation of wooden and peat fuel, of manufacturing of modern domestic main and auxiliary boiler equipment.”

In his opinion, the realization of projects to build energy sources relying on locally available fuel and energy resources allows the regions to reach a trajectory of sustainable self-development thanks to a combination of cutting-edge technologies and effective usage of local energy resources. The fact enables the fulfillment of the tasks specified by the national strategy on sustainable development of Belarus in the period till 2035.

Since its foundation the Energy Effectiveness Department has been paying close attention to energy industry enterprises as the main consumers of natural gas and furnace oil in Belarus. Impressive results in reducing specific norms of consumption of fuel and energy resources have been achieved thanks to the introduction of modern steam-gas and gas-turbine technologies, thanks to the optimization of operating modes of generating facilities, thanks to the modernization of existing power-generating units, the introduction of energy-saving measures, technologies, and materials.

Bobruisk Plant of Tractor Parts and Units (BZTDiA) is a vivid example of more than 20 years of work to create high energy effectiveness demonstration zones. The enterprise's annual consumption of fuel and energy resources has been more than halved while the merchandise output has increased by tens of times.

Oversight and audit efforts by territorial divisions of the Energy Effectiveness Department for the sake of detecting unwise consumption of fuel and energy resources demonstrate that the volume of unreasonable consumption of fuel and energy resources has decreased substantially since 2014. The fact indicates that a growing number of commercial entities have cleaned up their act and no longer waste energy resources, the official pointed out.
