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Gosatomnadzor: Belarus has hosted all the necessary IAEA missions


MINSK, 24 October (BelTA) – Belarus has hosted all the necessary missions of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and has taken into account their recommendations, BelTA learned from Head of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry (Gosatomnadzor) Olga Lugovskaya.

Olga Lugovskaya said: “We are under the most focused attention of the international community. The International Atomic Energy Agency uses its missions, consultations, and the organization of scientific and technical projects to make sure that safety requirements are introduced in countries. As a beginner country Belarus has hosted all the necessary missions. As their results we received recommendations, which allow us to raise the level of our requirements, correctly organize the infrastructure, and ensure the unconditional fulfillment of all the safety requirements. Every mission ended with the formation of a plan. The plans were passed by the government. Their fulfillment was monitored. The plans were unconditionally fulfilled. All the safety requirements of the International Atomic Energy Agency have transformed into the relevant norms and rules in Belarus.”

On 24 October the Emergencies Ministry granted the license for commercial operation of the second unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant. The Emergencies Ministry made sure that the limits and conditions of safe operation specified by the nuclear power plant design are confirmed and well-warranted while decisions incorporated into operational documents and accident prevention documents meet safety requirements. The power-generating unit and its safeguards perform their functions.

The readiness of all the safety systems as well as the buildings where they are housed was inspected. Including recordkeeping and control of nuclear materials, radioactive waste, and sources of ionizing radiation. All the measures were taken to ensure the physical protection of the nuclear power plant.

Apart from that, knowledge of executive personnel and operational personnel was evaluated and personal permits to perform operations were issued. Safety requirements represent an overriding priority. And the enterprise management system takes it into account. Accident prevention exercises have been held. All the necessary management and internal control bodies have been created and operate. The ability of the nuclear power plant to interact with state administration bodies and organizations across the republic as well as with the relevant organizations of the Russian Federation was also checked.
