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Markelov: Belarusian manufacturers, Gazprom advance cooperation

OAO Gazprom and Belarusian manufacturers make a new step in the development of relations, Deputy Chairman of the Board of OAO Gazprom Vitaly Markelov said at the opening of the expo Belarus-Gazprom. Industry. Technologies. Cooperation on 18 November, BelTA has learned.

“We advance relations to a brand-new level. We see that huge attention is paid to the development of production facilities,” Vitaly Markelov said. He noted that Belarus' efforts have a positive influence on import substitution.

The specialized expo Belarus-Gazprom. Industry. Technologies. Cooperation opened in Minsk on 18 November. The forum aims to enhance business contacts and mutually beneficial cooperation between Belarusian manufacturers and OAO Gazprom. The opening ceremony was attended by First Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Vladimir Semashko.

The exhibition features achievements of about 40 Belarusian companies specializing in machine-building, oil and gas, chemical and light industries. These include Minsk Automobile Plant, Brestgazoapparat, Belstroyremnaladka, Pozhtekhnika, Minsk Electrotechnical Plant, the scientific and research center Europribor. The business matchmaking session will take place on 18 November.