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Minsk to host Energy Expo 2015 on 13-16 October

The international Energy Expo 2015 will gather representatives of some 300 companies from 15 countries in Minsk on 13-16 October, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Energy Ministry.

Partaking in the expo will be companies from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Czechia, Germany, Austria, France, Switzerland, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, and China. Nine Chinese innovative companies will take part in the event for the first time. The press service noted that foreign exhibitors will account for one fifth part of the total number of participants. The visitors to the expo will learn about the most recent developments in power engineering, environmental science, and energy conservation presented by such companies as Siemens, ABB, Caterpillar, Tavrida Electric, Wilo, Filter, and Bertsch.

The expo will also feature stands of the Belarusian Energy Ministry, the Industry Ministry, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, the Housing and Utilities Ministry, the State Science and Technology Committee, and the Department for Energy Efficiency at the Belarusian State Committee for Standardization.

Since 1995, Energy Expo has been gathering the leading Belarusian and world’s producers of energy-saving equipment, technologies, and materials. It is one of the biggest power-related expos in the CIS and the Baltic countries.

Energy Expo will be held as part of the 20th Belarusian Energy and Ecology Forum. It is aimed at showcasing the modern science and technology achievements in power engineering, energy conservation, electronics, environment protection, and use of renewable energy sources.

The program of the forum features 24 events including meetings, international forums, conferences, workshops, and presentations of Belarusian and foreign companies.