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Opinion: Belarus, Russia should synchronize development of energy systems


MOGILEV, 10 November (BelTA) - Belarus and Russia should synchronize the development of their energy systems, Director General of the the Belarusian fuel and gasification industrial group Beltopgaz Aleksei Kushnarenko told media after a meeting of the Energy and Transport Commission of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union State of Belarus and Russia in Mogilev, BelTA has learned.

According to him, the Energy and Transport Commission was set up in June this year in order to advance the integration within the framework of building the Union State. In Mogilev the representatives of both sides considered a number of issues, including interregional and cross-border cooperation between Bryansk Oblast of Russia and Mogilev Oblast of Belarus, the status of three Union State programs: on the joint market for electricity, gas and development of nuclear energy.

"The parties reported on the progress in the implementation of the plans. The work is proceeding in accordance with the established procedure," Aleksei Kushnarenko said. “In addition, the commission suggested training power engineering personnel at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute at the expense of the Union State budget. This will help to increase the competences of workers in the energy sectors of Belarus and Russia. We should synchronize the development of our countries' energy systems."
