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Over 2,100km of power lines built, upgraded in Belarus in January-November


MINSK, 20 December (BelTA) – Over 2,100km of power lines was built and upgraded in Belarus in January-November 2023, Belarusian Energy Minister Viktor Karankevich told reporters in BelTA's press center.

The modernization of the power grid infrastructure is in progress in all regions of the country for the sake of enabling additional conditions for using electricity for heating and hot water supply. Power substations that handle various voltage classes are being modernized in addition to power lines.

More than 20 substations have been modernized so far this year. Those include the North-Western substation, the Atlant substation, the Zhabinka substation, the Kamvol substation, the Dubrava substation, the Aerodromnaya-2 substation, the Cherkassy substation. Most of these projects were implemented using the latest automation and digitization technologies, which greatly improve the reliability of power supply to consumers.

Gas infrastructure is being developed in addition to electricity infrastructure. Power grids are supposed to be upgraded in 1,500 population centers in the current five-year term. Gas infrastructure will be upgraded in another 300 population centers, Belarusian Energy Minister Viktor Karankevich explained. “Thus, we will cover the largest number of population centers for the sake of creating more comfortable living conditions there. It is the most important task the head of state has set before us,” he noted.

January-November 2023 saw about 818km of various gas pipelines commissioned. Over 13,200 apartments and households were connected to the gas grid. Belarus is a CIS leader in terms of gas supply availability. The total length of gas pipelines in the country is close to 68,000km.
