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Rosatom head visits ITER construction site 

On 11 September 2017, Rosatom Director General Aleksei Likhachev paid a working visit to the construction site of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) at the invitation of ITER Organization Director-General Bernard Bigot, BelTA learned from Rosatom’s communications department. 

The visit of the head of Rosatom Aleksei Likhachev is associated with the new phase of the project which has now entered a full-scale practical implementation phase. Today, the progress is visible not only on the construction site, but also in the production and supplies of components, including those produced in Russia.

"The exploration of thermonuclear fusion energy will open up vast scientific and technological prospects for mankind. This is why Russia, which has a unique experience in nuclear and thermonuclear research, is now at the forefront of the ITER project, making a fundamental contribution to its implementation. It is also important to note that the very concept of this international project, namely tokamak, was developed in our country," the head of Rosatom underlined during the visit.

Russia produces key components of the reactor complex and other high-tech equipment for ITER project. More than 25 unique systems are being developed by Russian enterprises including superconductors, gyrotrons (which can be compared to giant microwave ovens), and elements of protection and diagnostics. At the same time, Rosatom shares unique technologies with foreign partners and also gets access to the best international practices in this field.

"Russia has always been an exemplary partner, which meets all its obligations in full and on time," ITER Organization Director General Bernard Bigot said.
Russia's participation in ITER is an opportunity to look beyond today’s technological horizon and to create a scientific and production base for its own projects in the field of thermonuclear fusion.

"The development and production of equipment for ITER projects allows achieving a twofold result. Firstly, it is an additional capacity utilization of the Rosatom enterprises, creation of new products and development of new unique competencies. Secondly, research findings will allow bolstering capacities of nuclear science in Russia. ITER is important for us as a testing ground for practical tasks related to the energy of the future, with the increasing role of Russia on the global technology market," Aleksei Likhachev noted after the visit.

A total of 35 countries, including 29 European Union member states, and also the United States, India, China, Japan, South Korea and the Russian Federation are taking part in the project to build the international thermonuclear experimental reactor ITER. The launch of the reactor and production of the first batch of plasma is scheduled for 2025.

While in France, Aleksei Likhachev met with Chairman of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) Daniel Verwaerde. The two visited the construction site of Jules Horowitz Reactor (JHR).

ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) is the first experimental thermonuclear reactor in the world. This international project is implemented on the basis of the world leading thermonuclear programs. Its goal is demonstrating the scientific and technical possibility of generating thermonuclear energy for peaceful uses. ITER will be the first thermonuclear device to produce 10 times more energy than the energy spent on maintaining the synthesis reaction. 

ITER will demonstrate the possibility to produce fusion energy for its subsequent conversion into heat or electricity in the amount comparable with commercial power plants and will also contribute towards solving technical issues of key importance arising while applying nuclear fusion as the practical source of energy. 

Cooperation in the framework of the ITER Project allows significant cost savings for each of its Members, and moreover extending the experience gained over the past decades at the leading thermonuclear facilities and programs. 

Russian specialists are in charge of the production of 25 unique systems for the future device More than 35 leading scientific and technical institutions, enterprises and facilities in various cities in Russia are involved in the production.