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Rosatom interested in developing digital products together with Belarusian specialists

Photo courtesy of TASS

MINSK, 1 November (BelTA) – Rosatom is interested in developing digital products together with Belarusian specialists, BelTA learned from Director of Rosatom's country office in Belarus Stanislav Levitsky during the international forum on the banking industry's information technologies BANKIT 2023.

Stanislav Levitsky said: “Our cooperation with Belarus is very versatile because the state corporation Rosatom is a flagship of digitization in the Russian Federation. We have a number of organizations that develop and integrate digital products. We offer the products we have as well as collaboration to create new ones to Belarus. For instance, those are products designed to manage the lifecycle of enterprises. We are ready to offer some modules but we are also ready to develop new ones together. Those include our solutions in the area of mathematical modeling, solutions in the area of infrastructure. In particular, smart cities, smart regions, digitization of water service.”

Close attention is paid to import substitution. “Due to recent events Rosatom has been forced to very promptly switch to imported software substitutes. Methods were worked out as well as the appropriate software, to which any workers can switch painlessly. The choice includes new operating environments, new office applications, mail services, videoconferencing services, which are totally independent from western developers and have been entered into the Russian software registry. We are ready to offer the entire diversity of our products in this sphere to Belarus. But I emphasize once again: not only for the sake of selling our services but for the sake of joint development because Belarus is famous for its excellent telecommunication and IT sector,” Stanislav Levitsky noted.

In October ZAO International Business Alliance (IBA), OOO Rusatom Digital Solutions, and Rosatom's country office in Belarus OOO Rusatom Bel signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of realization of joint projects. “We are always on the lookout for powerful local partners and we have found one in the person of the IBA. The company has readily undertaken the promotion and assimilation of our products in Belarus' territory,” Stanislav Levitsky added.

Apart from that, the Belarusian company Promsvyaz will cooperate with Rosatom in the sphere of telecommunication equipment. Rosatom's country office in Belarus OOO Rusatom Bel, OOO T-COM (part of Rosatom's TVEL Fuel Company), and OAO Promsvyaz (Belarus) signed a roadmap within the framework of the strategic cooperation agreement on the sidelines of the 27th Belarusian energy and ecology forum Energy Expo.
