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Rosatom: Research reactor will help ensure nuclear security


MINSK, 6 April (BelTA) – The construction of a research reactor can be economically profitable for Belarus, Director of OOO Rusatom Bel (Rosatom's country office in Belarus) Stanislav Levitsky told the media during a teleconference bridge, BelTA has learned.

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and Rosatom State Corporation are discussing construction of a nuclear research reactor on the basis of the Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research Sosny. “We are now at the stage of coordinating the intergovernmental agreement. When it is finalized, we will start building it. We are ready for it. The format of interaction can be different, including a joint venture. The coordination process is long and complicated. We want to take into account the interests of both Belarus and Russia, to harmonize legislation,” Stanislav Levitsky said. “I hope that by the end of this year we will find common ground and begin construction. We look at this reactor as a great opportunity to maintain nuclear safety at the Belarusian nuclear power plant, to test new fuel assemblies and, which is also interesting from the point of view of economic attractiveness, the opportunity to engage in isotope production.”

When asked about the time needed to build the reactor, Stanislav Levitsky said that, looking at the example of BelNPP, the construction can be fast and of high quality. “The research reactor is technologically complex but requires less capital work and funds,” he explained.
