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Rosatom to help build several healthcare facilities in Belarus


MINSK, 16 May (BelTA) – Several healthcare facilities will be built in Belarus with assistance of Rosatom, BelTA learned from Director of OOO EuroPharmIntegration Dmitry Plashkov.

In his words, there are plans to implement turn-key projects to build several healthcare facilities using cutting-edge medical technologies of the Union State of Belarus and Russia.

Dmitry Plashkov noted that it is too early to talk about specific projects and their medical profiles at present because the matter is under consideration.

The Belarusian distributor and exporter of medications, medical equipment, and medical goods EuroPharmIntegration signed a four-way agreement at premises of the National Cancer Center of Belarus on 16 May. EuroPharmIntegration signed the agreement with AO Rusatom Healthcare (the single integrator in the area of nuclear medicine, radiation technologies, and radio isotope complex in the system of the Russian state nuclear industry corporation Rosatom), Rosatom's country office in Belarus, and the representative office of AO Russian Export Center in Belarus. In line with the document Rosatom intends to organize deliveries of medical equipment and radiopharmaceutical agents to Belarus.
