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Russian advice vital for global nuclear energy industry


The global nuclear power engineering industry needs advice and aid of Russian nuclear energy specialists. The statement was made by new President of the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) Duncan Hawthorne after the WANO general assembly in Moscow, BelTA has learned.

“Since WANO was established 24 years ago, the Russian nuclear energy industry has grown much stronger. Russian nuclear technologies have gone beyond the country’s borders and are now used worldwide. The nuclear expansion became possible only because the technologies boast very tight safety practices. 24 years ago the Russian nuclear energy industry needed aid. Today I can say that the global nuclear energy industry needs advice of the Russian nuclear energy industry and aid from the Russian Federation,” he said.

Duncan Hawthorne succeeded Deputy Director General of Rosenergoatom Vladimir Asmolov as WANO President on 20 May. According to Duncan Hawthorne, nowadays several countries, which plan to develop nuclear power engineering, are willing to accede to the World Association of Nuclear Operators. The number includes Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, and many other ones.

The World Association of Nuclear Operators was founded in Moscow in May 1989. At present WANO unites all the operators of nuclear power plants across the globe, a total of about 450 power-generating units.