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Russian NPPs produce over 201.3bn kWh of electricity in 2018

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On 27 December the Russian NPPs (the affiliate companies of Rosenergoatom Concern) produced over 201.3 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity thus fully meeting the government target for 2018 and the balance assignment from the Federal Antimonopoly Service, BelTA learned from the information and public relations department of Rosenergoatom Concern.

Nuclear power generation accounts for over 18.7% of the total electricity output in Russia today. Thus, each fifth light bulb in the Russian Federation is powered by nuclear power plants.

The nuclear power plants operated by Rosenergoatom are high-achieving thanks to the effective sustainable effrots to meet the NPPs’ power units load curve, to optimize maintenance schedules and improve the efficiency of the power units, the department said.

The radiation situation within the areas around the nuclear power plants has not changed and remains within the natural radiation background levels.

Rosenergoatom Concern is a leading company of Rosatom State Corporation. Rosenergoatom is the biggest power generation company in Russia and is the second biggest one in the world in terms of the scope of nuclear power generation capacity. It incorporates ten Russian nuclear power plants as its affiliates and the enterprises servicing the the generation companies. The ten Russian NPPs operate 35 power units of the aggregate installed capacity at 29GW.