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Semashko: Possible stoppage of electricity supply from Ukraine will not hurt Belarus

The possible stoppage of the supply of electricity from Ukraine will not hurt Belarus, First Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Vladimir Semashko told journalists on 31 October, BelTA has learned.

Belarus imports a small amount of electricity from Ukraine. “The energy that we import, for example, from Russia is used for maintaining the stability of the system. The same about the Ukrainian electricity: we import 1-1.5 billion kWh of electricity for the sake of diversification,” Vladimir Semashko said. He told journalists that the negotiations with the Ukrainian side are currently in progress. “I do not think that we should expect any sudden moves. But if they do decide to stop the supplies, this will not affect us as we have our own reserves,” Vladimir Semashko noted.

The Belarusian economy and households consume 36-37 billion kWh of electricity, and the country can generate 45 billion kWh of electricity.