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Two 5G network development options under consideration in Belarus

Photo courtesy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

MINSK, 27 December (BelTA) – Two options for developing the domestic mobile telecommunication network in compliance with the IMT-2020 (5G) standard are under consideration in Belarus – common infrastructure and free-for-all competition. The options were discussed at a session of the Council for Strategic Projects under the President of Belarus at premises of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on 27 December, the NASB press service told BelTA.

Top-ranking government officials, heads, specialists of government agencies and relevant organizations took part in the council's work. There were two items on the agenda: the creation of a 5G mobile telecommunication network in the country and the approval of criteria and indicators for classifying projects as strategic ones.

Chairman of the Council for Strategic Projects Vladimir Gusakov noted that queries had been sent to high-ranking government officials and heads of government agencies the day before the first session of the council. The council received over 60 project proposals over the past month. All of them have been added to a registry. However, most of the proposals are only ideas. Vladimir Gusakov noted that it is necessary to pick top 10 project initiatives for the year 2024. They will become the foundation for the annual plan of the council's work.

“Meticulous and quality fulfillment of instructions of the head of state is an unconditional priority for the council. The reference point to mark the beginning of the practical work of the council will be the consideration of the first item on the agenda – the creation of a mobile telecommunication system in compliance with the IMT-2020 (5G) standard in the country. It is a topical direction of technological development in the world. Its realization follows such global trends as the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0), full-scale digitization, robot technology and artificial intelligence. And most importantly it is one of the components of the IT country, which has to be built in accordance with the president's instructions,” Vladimir Gusakov said.

Communications and Informatization Minister Konstantin Shulgan and Chief of the Operations and Analysis Center under the President of Belarus Andrei Pavlyuchenko presented their reports on the main problematic aspects of the project and ways to resolve them. The Communications and Informatization Ministry and the Operations and Analysis Center are the two main regulatory bodies in the field of creation and operation of mobile telecommunication networks. Heads of telecommunication service providers such as Beltelecom, mobile carriers, and other companies also made speeches during the session of the council.

The council decided to analyze and summarize all the information presented in reports and speeches. The resulting materials will be forwarded to the government for consideration at a session of the Council of Ministers' Presidium. The results will then be forwarded for consideration of the head of state.

Participants of the session also approved the main criteria and indicators for classifying projects as strategic ones. Heads of government agencies were advised to adopt these criteria for preparing project initiatives.
