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Belarus, Armenia to discuss establishment of international technology transfer center

The prospects of setting up an international center of technology transfer will be discussed at the second session of the Belarusian-Armenian commission for scientific and technical cooperation which will take place during the visit of the Belarusian delegation led by Chairman of the State Committee for Science and Technology of Belarus Alexander Shumilin to Armenia on 27-28 August, BelTA learned from the press service of the committee.

“There are seven issues on the agenda, including the discussion of promising avenues of the scientific, technical and innovative cooperation, the terms of holding a contest of joint applied research projects aimed at the establishment of joint labs. Apart from that, there are plans to discuss the prospects of setting up an international center of technology transfer,” the press release of the press service reads.

It is planned that as part of the visit the delegation will meet with the high-level officials of the Ministry of Education and Science, the National Academy of Sciences, and the representatives of scientific and business circles.

Alexander Shumilin is also expected to visit a number of organizations manufacturing innovative products (technology parks, the smart city, the science city) and the Synchrotron Research Institute CANDLE which studies the structure and characteristics of brand-new materials and systems, including hybrid materials and systems of bio-organic components. The institute implements a number of hi-tech projects, including the AREAL project (a linear accelerator with a laser-driven RF gun). In 2014 CANDLE implemented an important project to make electrophysical devices for the German accelerator center DESY.

Belarusian scientists are planning to conduct joint research and experiments in the diagnostics and treatment of cancer, study the radiation resistance of materials and synthesize new materials with the Synchrotron Research Institute.