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Belarus, Pakistan to set up joint fund to finance scientific research

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB) and the Pakistan Academy of Sciences are set to create a joint fund to finance scientific research, Chief Academic Secretary of the NASB Alexander Kilchevsky told journalists on 16 March, BelTA has learned.

“Cooperation with the Pakistan Academy of Sciences presupposes, first of all, development of joint projects. Besides, it is likely that we will set up a joint financing fund. We have already gained some experience within the framework of the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research when a part of the project is financed by one state, and the rest by another,” Alexander Kilchevsky explained.

For his part, Executive Director of the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan Professor Mansoor Akbar Kundi noted: “I hope that this visit will be very fruitful. We will develop joint projects, organize exchanges of scientists, and provide postgraduate training programs. Besides, Pakistan is ready to make a financial contribution to the development of the scientific and technical cooperation with Belarus.”

“This is the first visit of our Pakistani colleagues to Belarus. They are mostly interested in our achievements in agriculture and biology. We hope to strengthen our cooperation in these fields. However, we do not rule out developing bilateral cooperation in other fields. This is why we have invited our guests to visit the exhibition of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus so that they can study our potential and find new cooperation areas,” Alexander Kilchevsky said.

“Belarus is turning into one of the world’s leaders in terms of scientific developments. We are greatly impressed by Belarusian scientists,” Chief Academic Secretary of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences Professor Zabta Shinwari noted.

The first visit of the Pakistani scientific delegation to Belarus is taking place from 14 to 18 March. The scientists have arrived in Minsk on the invitation of the NASB to discuss promising areas and mechanisms of cooperation and study the structure of the NASB and its activities. The delegation will see the permanent exhibition of Belarusian scientific achievements and visit some organizations of the NASB such as the Scientific and Practical Center for Agriculture Mechanization, the Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry, the Institute of Genetics and Cytology, and others.

The Belarusian National Academy of Sciences has cooperation agreements with 75 foreign academies and scientific centers. The NASB organizations execute export contracts with 35 countries including Russia, Saudi Arabia, China, Ukraine, Germany, and India. In 2014 the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus exported over $44 million of scientific products.
Tags: cooperationfinancescience