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Belarus-Russia program to discover mineral deposits starts in 2015

The Belarus-Russia SKIF-NEDRA program to discover deposits of raw hydrocarbons will be launched in 2015, Chief of Staff of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB) Piotr Vityaz said during the video briefing “Role of the NASB in the implementation of programs of the Belarus-Russia Union State”, BelTA has learned.

“The program is aimed at discovering deposits of raw hydrocarbons through the use of space technologies, software, and supercomputers,” Piotr Vityaz explained.

The Academician believes that the program will be a continuation of the space research work of Belarusian and Russian scientists.

On behalf of Belarus, the customer of the program is the National Academy of Sciences. The United Institute of Informatics Problems is its head organization. On behalf of Russia, the customer is the Ministry of Education and Science. The program is designed to run for four years. Partaking in it will be Belarusian and Russian institutes and universities.