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Belarus, Russia urged to focus on commercialization of innovative products

Commercialization of innovative products created by scientists in Belarus and Russia should become a priority in the single scientific and technological space of the Union State, Viktor Kosourov, the chairman of the commission for economic policy of the Union State Parliamentary Assembly, told reporters on 26 March, BelTA has learned.

At the meeting in Gomel the MPs discussed the development of the single scientific and technological space of Russia and Belarus. According to Viktor Kosourov, it is about bringing together research organizations and industrial enterprises of Belarus and Russia to create real innovative products. "The ultimate goal is to produce certain goods, including under import substitution programs, based on scientific developments," he said.

As an example, Viktor Kosourov cited the Union State scientific and technological program “Development of new-generation micro system- engineering and unified integrated dual- use systems based on it" (Micro system-engineering). The micro system-engineering devices designed as part of the program are successfully applied in practice to create the systems to control and monitor the safety of vital functions in the housing and utilities sector, industry and energy. The program has brought together more than 20 enterprises of the electronic industries of Belarus and Russia.

The MPs also updated the list of priority scientific and technological programs of the Union State, summed up the preliminary results of the programs "Micro system-engineering and “Standardization SG” in 2014, and reviewed the draft work plan of the commission for economic policy for 2015.

The MPs visited the Gomel technology park, Skaryna Gomel State University named. On 27 March, the delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly will visit OAO Gomselmash.