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Belarus’ SSTC to discuss CIS innovative projects in Moscow

The State Science and Technology Committee (SSTC) of Belarus has plans to discuss new projects of the CIS interstate program of innovation cooperation until 2020 in Moscow, BelTA learned from the SSTC press service.

Chairman of the Belarusian State Science and Technology Committee Alexander Shumilin is currently on a visit to Moscow to take part in the international forum on Russia’s innovative technologies and the global market, the 2015 Open Innovations Forum in Moscow, and the forum of scientists of the CIS member states.

Alexander Shumilin also has plans to meet with senior officials from the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and Russian Venture Company (RVC). The parties will discuss cooperation in implementation of promising science and technology programs of the Belarus-Russia Union State. Besides, they will talk over matters related to the establishment of the Belarus-Russia venture fund. 

BelTA reported earlier that the Belarus-Russia venture fund is expected to be set up by year-end 2015. The intended volume of funding is close to $20 million. The sides agreed that RVC will assist with the implementation of joint projects and the training of specialists for venture organizations as part of the establishment of the venture capital financing system in Belarus.

The 2015 Open Innovations Forum in Moscow will run from 28 October through 1 November. It has been organized by the leading Russian development institutes RUSNANO, Russian Venture Company, and Skolkovo Foundation. The main topic is Humanity in the Center of the Technological Revolution. Its participants will discuss technology trends that in the long term will determine the development of economy. The program of the Forum features plenary meetings, sessions, roundtables, and workshops with the participation of international experts involved in the development and implementation of innovative solutions.