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Belarus' weather center, environmental monitoring center merged

The system used to collect hydrometeorological information will be improved, BelTA learned from Maria Germenchuk, Deputy Head of the National Center for Hydrometeorology, Radioactive Pollution Control, and Environmental Monitoring of Belarus, on 6 January.

According to the official, in accordance with the relevant decision of the Belarusian Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Ministry the national weather center was merged with the national center for radiation control and environmental monitoring as of 5 January 2015. The new agency is already operational.

The merger is expected to contribute to the consolidation of means and money that were available to the two agencies before the merger. In particular, the merger will combine and streamline data collection and guidelines for environmental monitoring across the country in addition to improving the data collection and dissemination system, said Maria Germenchuk.

The scientific component will be enhanced. It was present in both agencies to a lesser or greater degree. “After the merger we have additional opportunities for introducing new scientific technologies and more advanced modelling programs,” explained Maria Germenchuk.