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Belarusian Institute of Physics to double export of solid-state lasers to Russia in 2015

The NASB Institute of Physics plans to increase 2 to 3 times the deliveries of solid-state lasers to Russia in 2015, BelTA learned from Director of the NASB Stepanov Institute of Physics Nikolai Kazak.

"Last year, we signed contracts with France, China, the United States and Russia for the supply of solid-state lasers. This year, we will increase the number of devices exported to Russia 2 to 3 times,” said Nikolai Kazak.

The institute supplies Russia with a series of lasers with different parameters that can be used in the manufacture of military hardware, materials processing and in medicine.

"Application of laser in medicine is another priority for us. At the moment we are developing a technology for photodynamic antimicrobial therapy,” said Nikolai Kazak.

The Institute of Physics has designed an instrument called "Lotus" which can be used to treat infections and ulcerative diseases. Its working principle is simple: certain medicines are injected in the body, are accumulated there, then they get exposed to laser, and begin to secrete a substance that destroys microbial cells. In 2015, we plan to deliver about 70 such devices to hospitals of Belarus,” said Nikolai Kazak.

On 17 January the Stepanov Institute of Physics turned 60. Today it is one of the leading research organizations of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB). The institute operates 12 centers, 25 laboratories, including the labs on physical optics and laser physics, physics of atomic and molecular structures, microelectronics and optoelectronics. The institute employs 458 professionals, 12 academicians, 6 corresponding members, 58 doctors and 107 candidates of sciences. The R&D products designed by the Institute of Physics find wide application in many sectors of the economy and social sector.