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Belarusian IT project into final stage of NASA’s contest

The Belarusian project Wake Up, Neo… has reached the final stage of the NASA-sponsored international hackathon Space Apps Challenge 2016, BelTA learned from the website of the Hi-Tech Park of Belarus.

On 22-24 April NASA offered an opportunity to programmers, UI designers, physicists, mathematicians, astronomers, and robot engineers to come up with innovative applications based on an open API.

The Belarusian IT project Wake Up, Neo…, which is designed to save the planet from a deadly asteroid, was a top 25 project in the category People’s Choice and reached the semifinal stage of the contest. Website visitors were able to vote for a week. Results of the voting advanced the Belarusian project to the fifth position. By getting 5,688 votes the Belarusian project reached the final stage of the contest.

An opportunity to watch a rocket getting launched from Cape Canaveral live is the top prize of the contest.

Tags: outer spacesociety