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CMEC to build power grid in China-Belarus Industrial Park

The Chinese company China Machinery Engineering Corporation (CMEC) will be the general contractor for electrifying the initial development area of the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone, the press service of the Belarusian Energy Ministry told BelTA.

In accordance with the general layout manufacturing installations of the initial development area will be located in the northern part of the industrial park. There are plans to build a new 100kV substation called Technopark to provide the installations with electricity in a reliable manner. The Chinese side has allocated technical and economic aid for the sake of implementing the park's electrification project. The Minsk city electrical company Minskenergo has been chosen as the beneficiary of the aid. The Chinese side has appointed Powerchina Zhongnan Engineering Corporation as the company in charge of overseeing the project.

A tender has been arranged to choose the general contractor for the complex construction of the 110kV substation after negotiations held by Minskenergo with assistance of Powerchina Zhongnan Engineering Corporation. China Machinery Engineering Corporation has won the tender. The relevant contract has already been signed with the Chinese company, specified the press service of the Belarusian Energy Ministry.

The industrial park is expected to consume about 215MW of electricity, including 45MW needed in the first phase and 170MW needed in the second phase.

The China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone is a territorial unit with a special legal regime meant to enable comfortable conditions for doing business. The park's concept provides for creating a convenient infrastructure for developing business, granting a considerable tax respite to participants of the project for a rather lengthy period of time, and providing a set of services to residents of the park. The priority business avenues of the park include the development of fine chemistry, biomedicine, electronics industry, mechanical engineering.

The park is located in Smolevichi District, Minsk Oblast 25km away from Minsk in the immediate proximity to an international airport, the railway network, and the transnational motorway Berlin-Moscow. There are plans to set up manufacturing and residential zones in the park, office premises, trade and entertainment ones, a financial center and an R&D center.