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EEC, China discuss information exchange between customs services

The first round of negotiations on signing an agreement on sharing information about commodities and vehicles that cross the customs border of the Eurasian Economic Union and the People’s Republic of China took place in Moscow on 17-18 March, the press service of the Eurasian Economic Commission told BelTA.

The sides agreed to adopt the draft agreement proposed by the Eurasian Economic Union as the basic structure. The draft agreement was discussed article by article. Consequent rounds of negotiations will be held to adjust details of each article.

The sides discussed the possible technologies as well as information and software tools that will be used to implement the agreement and also shared the experience of organizing data exchange on the international level.

The agreement is expected to facilitate and advance trade between China and the Eurasian Economic Union member states by stepping up customs interaction, more effective customs control, and by ensuring the reliability of customs declarations of commodities and vehicles.