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Rosatom to deliver equipment to treat cancer to Belarus

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MINSK, 22 November (BelTA) – The Russian state nuclear industry corporation Rosatom will supply medical equipment for cancer patients to Belarus, BelTA learned from the press service of Rusatom Healthcare (the Rosatom division that accumulates expertise in the field of healthcare).

A cooperation agreement was signed between Rusatom Healthcare and Medtechnocenter on the sidelines of the international forum Atomexpo in Sochi. The document formalized plans to supply medical equipment manufactured in the Russian Federation.

This year, Rusatom Healthcare launched mass production of Russia's first linear accelerator, as well as a brachytherapy complex. In addition, a gel-free MRI machine is being developed, which will be more convenient and reliable than regular MRI machines. Work has also begun on the creation of a toroidal-type complex for remote beam therapy.

“The medical community of Belarus is well familiar with the equipment of Rosatom. The signing of the agreement is the first step towards mutually beneficial cooperation. We are confident that in the near future healthcare institutions of our country will get reliable and effective Russia-made equipment for the treatment and diagnostics of socially sensitive diseases,” Medtechnocenter director Oleg Shved said.

“We are ready to help Belarus ensure its technological sovereignty as far as medical equipment is concerned and help increase the availability of high-quality high-tech medical care,” Rusatom Healthcare Director General Igor Obrubov said.

Rosatom is one of the world's five largest suppliers of raw isotopes used in the diagnostics and treatment of cancer. Rusatom Healthcare is a manufacturer of medical equipment for radiation therapy and brachytherapy, it is running projects to build nuclear medicine centers in several regions of Russia and is creating a network of multifunctional centers for the processing and sterilization of medical devices.
