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Rules of transborder online trade in EEU remain unchanged

The rules of transborder online trade in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) remain unchanged, BelTA learned from the press service of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC).

Members of the EEC Council held a session in Moscow to discuss the unification of price and weight norms of duty free import of goods for personal use sent by international mail or delivered by a specialized company. As a result, the sides decided to preserve the existing norms that were established in the member states of the union at the national level until the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union enters into force.

The experts approved the draft resolution of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council on the development of the concept for the establishment of the Eurasian machine tool engineering center. In line with the document, the governments of the EEU member states jointly with the Eurasian Economic Commission have been instructed to work out the draft concept for the establishment of the Eurasian machine tool engineering center and to present the document at the next session of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council.

According to the EEC press service, the Eurasian machine tool engineering center will help the EEU member states unite their scientific and technical potential in machine building. The center will provide additional opportunities for the development of machine building companies in the EEU countries and will enhance industrial, scientific and technical cooperation. The body will promote the modernization of industrial facilities by the installation of innovative machine building equipment produced on the territory of the EEU. The draft concept for the establishment of the engineering center will specify the form, structure, main objectives, and sources of financing of the center.

One of the major issues on the agenda of the session was the preparation of draft protocols regarding the accession of Kyrgyzstan to the EEU.

Participants of the session also approved the resolution of the appointment of Belarus' member of the council Vasily Matyushevsky as Chairman of the EEC Council for 2015.