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Russian companies to take part in TIBO 2015 in Minsk

Russian companies will take part in TIBO 2015 expo, Belarus’ First Deputy Minister of Communication and Information Technology Dmitry Shedko told reporters as he met with Russian Minister of Mass Communications Nikolai Nikiforov on 27 January, BelTA has learned.

"We and representatives of the Ministry of Mass Communications of the Russian Federation discussed the participation of Russian companies in TIBO 2015. The Russian delegation has already confirmed their participation," said Dmitry Shedko.

He noted that now the parties are reviewing the list of the Russian enterprises that will come to Minsk. "We hope that they will bring their latest developments to Minsk," he said.

The 22nd edition of TIBO, the international expo of telecommunications, information and banking technologies, organized by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, will take place in Minsk from 22 to 25 April. In 2014, the expo showcased the products of more than 200 enterprises and organizations from 14 countries. Among the participants were the largest Belarusian and foreign manufacturers of telecommunication equipment, computers and software, security tools and systems, providers of ICT services. The expo was attended by about 28,000 people.